Bratislava University of Economics and Management is a modern private university offering all three levels of university education with a focus on Economics and Management. Our university is training professionals for private as well as public sector administration by providing higher education in study programs in the study field Economics and Management according to the current European educational trends.
BUEM has a Certification by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, of the qualification to perform research and development. Performing basic research and widening the knowledge of economics, management of enterprises and in public administration by disseminating its results. Promoting current knowledge on trends in the understanding and approach to individual fields of economics and management of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and thereby contributing to enhanced employment opportunity of its graduates in an increasingly competitive environment of an integrating world.
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Høgskulen for Grøn Utvikling (The College for Green Development) is a small university college, mainly focusing on rural/local community development in teaching – and in research and development work. Their staff has a long experience (all of them worked in this field for more than 30 years, in Norway, in Scotland and in various European countries.)
HGUT mainly focuses on the environmental and legislative aspects of water management, innovation and social development, Circular economy and sociaty, and others.
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